Telegram is maturing as a platform. There are a bunch of new features in the platform as well as improved documentation.

New and improved features:

  • If there are issues during rendering a site (for example, invoking a snippet that doesn't exist), the issues will be batched up and sent in an email to the site owner. Further, if there's no index.html or home.html site yielded as part of the render, the site will be disabled from the master list of sites and the email will be sent to the site owner.
  • The group snippet allows for capture and listing of blog posts, events, and any other type of page. This allows for listing collections of pages which will make for nice lists on the site.
  • There's a Google Analytics snippet which can be invoked: <div data-lift="google-analytics?id=21321321"></div>
  • All the <h*> tags at the top level of the page content are captured and can be listed (at any level of depth) with the htag-list snippet.
  • Improvements to menu generation top support excellent integration with Twitter Bootstrap's menus.
  • Sites that contain pages that have valid_from and valid_to Extra Info where the valid dates are in the future will be re-rendered within 15 minutes of the valid dates. That means that sites with content the becomes live or expires at a particular time will have that content change within 15 minutes of that time.
  • There's an alias extra info that allows the creation of links from old site URLs to pages on the Telegram hosted site. So, if you have blog post that used to be at and you move the folder for blog posts when you migrate to Telegram such that the post is at, you can add alias: /posts/my_post as Extra Info for the page and the page will be served from both URLs.
  • The How To… site is in a public GitHub repository. You're welcome to fork the repo and improve the documentation.

I'm working on documentation and screencasts for Telegram as well.

Enjoy the new Telegram features!!

